
šŸ¤˜šŸ» Corporate Rebels

Join 33,300+ changemakers from all corners of the globe. We share insights on self-managing organizations, new ways of working, and global pioneering companies. Every other week: blog on Monday, newsletter on Thursday. Are you up for some fun, inspiring and rebellious content? Become part of the workplace revolution! šŸ’Œ

Pim De Morree
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šŸ¤Ÿ Rebels unite: 2-day summit of world's most progressive companies

Hi Reader, You know what we do by now. We research companies that defy conventional management wisdom. After visiting hundreds of self-managed organizations worldwide, one thing's clear: there's no one-size-fits-all approach. These trailblazers fall into three distinct camps: The accidental rebels: These are the mavericks who stumbled into self-management, fed up with traditional top-down bullshit. They didn't read a book or follow a guru. They just said "fuck it" and forged their own path....

Joost Minnaar

Hi Reader, In about a month, the ZeroDX awards will take place in Qingdao, China. This eventā€”initiated by the Chinese manufacturer Haier, Gary Hamel & Michele Zaniniā€™s MLab, and Thinkers50ā€™s Business Ecosystem Allianceā€”celebrates the most forward-thinking companies around the globe. Not long ago, they threw down the gauntlet, asking us to nominate companies for these awards. We didnā€™t just take up the challengeā€”we ran with it. Together with our community and our colleague Svetla, we dove into...

Hi Reader, Working in a self-managed organization is fun, liberating, and extremely rewarding. Both our companies, Corporate Rebels and Krisos, are set up as self-managing teams. No bosses. No hierarchy. Instead, everyone takes initiative within their own roles, leading their areas of the business and involving others where necessary. Most people see why that's a great environment to work in. And if youā€™ve been following this newsletter for some time, you know we love it. That being said,...

Joost Minnaar

Hi Reader, Last week, we conducted an exclusive interview for our community members with a group of people from the Chinese self-managed manufacturing company, Epoch. Epoch was established in 1993 by Foad and Ladon Ghalili. It is a high-tech design and manufacturing service company with prototype electronic manufacturing capabilities in California (approximately 20 employees) and high-volume manufacturing services in Dalian, China (approximately 160 employees). During our interview, Foad,...

Hi Reader, Weā€™re building something you might like ā€“ database of all self-managing organizations in the world. Once we have it, weā€™ll share it with the world (starting with you through this newsletter). Why are we doing this? A couple of reasons: We believe in the power of highlighting progressive organizations to build proof and show traditional organizations that thereā€™s a better, more engaging way of working available to all. Weā€™ve done it for years with our 'bucket listā€™ and itā€™s given a...

Hi Reader, Understanding why customers stop doing business with your company is crucial. Here are the six primary reasons: 1% die 3% move away 5% develop other relationships 9% leave for competitive reasons 14% are dissatisfied with the product 68% feel poorly treated by employees Yes, you read that correctly. A staggering 68% of customers leave because they feel poorly treated by a companyā€™s employees. This insight comes from Kirk Kazanjianā€™s book Exceeding Customer Expectations, which...

Hi Reader, For years, Iā€™ve been studying Haierā€™s innovative RenDanHeYi management model. Weā€™ve blogged about it extensively, created Academy courses, and even published ā€œStart-up Factoryā€, a book detailing their unique approach. Weā€™ve also attended their annual forum multiple times. RenDanHeYi Forum 2024 Each year, Haier hosts the exclusive global RenDanHeYi Forum, featuring distinguished speakers like Gary Hamel, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Edmund Phelps, Eric Maskin, Oliver Hart, Bengt Holmstrom,...

Hi Reader, Today I want to touch upon the power of both consistency and compounding. Both are powerful in and of themselves, but when combinedā€¦ BOOM! Thatā€™s where the true magic happens. Consistency The inspiring Steven Bartlett (worth a follow if you donā€™t already) shared a powerful page from James Clearā€™s book Atomic Habits, in which he shares a couple of examples of the power of consistency. So simple, and so powerful. The one on reading inspired me to start reading again after a period...

Hi Reader, One of the main challenges of self-managing, flat, or bossless organizations is scaling up without ending up with an unwanted hierarchy. For smaller organizations, itā€™s relatively easy to work in a self-managed way. Having no functional hierarchy is simply a lot more doable when there are fewer people and less complexity involved. But when scaling an organization to 30, 50, 100, or even more people, many pioneers lose their cool. Consciously or unconsciously, they end up in a...

Hey Reader, We've got a special opportunity for you: An early bird promotion for our most intensive and highest rated learning program. Masterclass 'Running and Scaling Self-Managing Organizations' The 6-week online Masterclass has been completed by 270+ students and is rated with an 4.91 out of 5! It delivers a complete framework for transforming, running, and scaling a self-managing organization. It's the best way to become an expert in bossless organizations. You'll dive into real-life...