🤟 A database of all self-managing organizations (353 and counting!)

Hi Reader,

We’re building something you might like – database of all self-managing organizations in the world.

Once we have it, we’ll share it with the world (starting with you through this newsletter).

Why are we doing this?

A couple of reasons:

  • We believe in the power of highlighting progressive organizations to build proof and show traditional organizations that there’s a better, more engaging way of working available to all. We’ve done it for years with our 'bucket list’ and it’s given a lot of people the belief that it can happen in many places and in different organizations.
  • We’re launching a book on running and scaling self-managing organizations later this year. We want to include a list to show the diversity, spread and presence of these pioneering firms.
  • We’re building a global network of self-managing companies. The more we know and can bring into the network, the more powerful the network will be.

Building such a list is not an easy thing to do as you can imagine. Therefore, we need you.

Last week, I posted a message about this on LinkedIn and learned there were a lot(!) of self-managing organizations I had never heard of before. I was quite surprised, being in this field and researching such companies for 8+ years.

Some very promising examples:

It seems like there’s still a lot happening that we don’t know about. Very excited about that.

Do you know any self-managing organizations that should be added to the list?

If so, would you mind sharing them by simply replying to this email.

By the way: I understand the term "self-managing organizations" is up for interpretation. To simplify, we are looking for organizations:

  • without traditional hierarchy,
  • no middle management,
  • a minimum of 10 employees.

Updates from Corporate Rebels HQ

Here's a quick overview of everything happening at Corporate Rebels:

  • New Rebel Cells are launched: United Arab Emirates and China are now live! Want your organization to become a member of a global network of self-managing organizations? Apply here (also for any of the other 18 countries).
  • Through our impact fund, Krisos, we buy traditional companies and transform them into self-managed and steward-owned companies. We are looking for our next company in The Netherlands. Interested to sell your company, or know someone who might? Check out the criteria here.
  • Did you know we are running a first ever Asia-Pacific time zone friendly Masterclass in September/October? We’re making it easier for people on the other side of the world to join our highest-rated, most in-depth learning program on self-managing organizations. Book your seat here.

New article

A new article has been published on our website earlier this week:

  • Success in Work and Life = Attitude x Effort x Ability
    In this powerful blog post, Joost explores the ‘human equation’. The equation was used by Kyocera founder Kazuo Inamori to assess the potential of a person’s future success. Read it, understand it, apply it. Link to article is here.

What inspired us

Here's something noteworthy we discovered this past week that you’re going to love:

  • Belgian law firm is reaping the benefits of their ‘Corporate Rebels plan’
    Law firm De Groote - De Man was recently awarded by Financial Times for their 'Corporate Rebels Plan'. Inspired by our book and our Masterclass, they successfully reinvented a big part of how they operate.
    The Financial Times wrote: "The Belgian-based legal network has overhauled its business model, giving individual practices the autonomy to decide their yearly targets and set their own salaries. Internal surveys show team satisfaction is up and revenues have risen."
    These stories warm our hearts and are a great way for our team to see our purpose come to life. If you have such stories to share with us too, please do!

Your weekly challenge

At Corporate Rebels, we believe that small changes lead to big results. That's why we challenge you each week to make a small but significant change. This week....

When we buy a company through Krisos (example here), we let teams select their own representatives for inter-team meetings. No top-down appointed managers, but rather people selected by their peers.
You might not be in the position to remove hierarchy altogether, but you can pitch the idea in your team to select representatives to go to the various inter-team meetings. Your manager will be relieved of some of their (probably too many) meetings, while your teammates get an opportunity to step up and take more responsibility. Win-win!


As soon as you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help:

  1. Membership: Become a Corporate Rebels member and benefit from monthly online events, in-depth case studies, practical courses, and a global community of pioneers.
  2. Masterclass: We've sold out all available seats for the first September cohort of "Running and Scaling Self-Managing Organizations," so we're opening a second one focused on the Asian/Australian-friendly time zones; this extra cohort kicks off on September 24. Enroll here.
  3. Rebel Cells: Join a global network of pioneering organizations. Rebel Cells are local groups of progressive firms coming together to learn, share, and connect. Currently live in 13 countries.

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🤘🏻 Corporate Rebels

Join 33,300+ changemakers from all corners of the globe. We share insights on self-managing organizations, new ways of working, and global pioneering companies. Every other week: blog on Monday, newsletter on Thursday. Are you up for some fun, inspiring and rebellious content? Become part of the workplace revolution! 💌

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Hi Reader, Working in a self-managed organization is fun, liberating, and extremely rewarding. Both our companies, Corporate Rebels and Krisos, are set up as self-managing teams. No bosses. No hierarchy. Instead, everyone takes initiative within their own roles, leading their areas of the business and involving others where necessary. Most people see why that's a great environment to work in. And if you’ve been following this newsletter for some time, you know we love it. That being said,...