🤟 Rebels unite: 2-day summit of world's most progressive companies

Hi Reader,

You know what we do by now. We research companies that defy conventional management wisdom.

After visiting hundreds of self-managed organizations worldwide, one thing's clear: there's no one-size-fits-all approach. These trailblazers fall into three distinct camps:

  1. The accidental rebels: These are the mavericks who stumbled into self-management, fed up with traditional top-down bullshit. They didn't read a book or follow a guru. They just said "fuck it" and forged their own path.
  2. The inspired innovators: This crew got fired up by a book (Semler's "Maverick", Laloux's "Reinventing Organizations", or dare I say, "Corporate Rebels"). They caught the vision but made it their own, adapting as they went.
  3. The method adopters: These folks started with a playbook - sociocracy, holacracy, Semco style, etc. - and either stuck to it religiously or evolved it into their own custom flavor.

Regardless of how they got here, they all crave the same thing - connection with fellow rebels. They're hungry to swap war stories, celebrate wins, and commiserate over the inevitable epic fails that come with challenging the status quo.

That's why we're die-hard believers in the power of uniting these pioneers. We've been doing it since we kicked off Corporate Rebels in 2016. But now, we've got a more clear-cut way for these organizations to connect: Rebel Cells.

And for the first time ever, we're gathering the whole tribe for a two-day rebellion in Seville, Spain on November 21-22.

Picture this: talks, workshops, and an eclectic mix of sessions designed to forge bonds between the world's most radical companies. Plus, a deep dive into the radical (and highly successful) 12-month transformation journey of the company we acquired last year.

It's not just networking - it's building a global movement.

This gathering of the world’s most progressive organizations is exclusive to organizations that have joined one of our 20+ Rebel Cells.

Want your organization to join this revolution and be part of the 2-day event in Spain? You've got two options:

  1. Visit our rebel cells page and apply directly. Click here.
  2. Join our upcoming info session on LinkedIn Live. Register here, hear from some of our member organizations, and get all the details you need.

Let's set the business world on fire, together.

Updates from Corporate Rebels HQ

Here's a quick overview of everything happening at Corporate Rebels:

  • Last chance: In just two weeks, we kick off another cohort of our Masterclass Running and Scaling Self-Managing Organizations. We have 5 spots left, grab one now. Click here.
  • 897 self-managing companies: Our colleague Svetla is on fire with our database of self-managed companies. We’re nearing 1,000 and are still looking for more examples to build the #1 database of all self-managing organizations in the world. Reply if you any tips.-
  • Impact fund update: Last week, I joined the Krisos team (our investment fund) on an offsite in Bilbao, Spain. We made some bold decisions that will impact the way we buy and transform companies. The goal? To put our bold mission of ‘realizing a new economy’ even more in the center and significantly boost our impact. I’ll share more news soon. Stay tuned.

New article

A new article has been published on our website earlier this week:

  • Hierarchy in Teams: Why It Often Does More Harm Than Good
    I've published a blog post on compelling research about hierarchy's impact on teams. The conclusions might not shock our savvy readers, but they provide solid evidence on why and when hierarchical structures hinder performance. It's a worthwhile read for anyone looking to back up their anti-hierarchy stance with hard data. Read more here.

What inspired us

Here's something noteworthy we discovered this past week that you’re going to love:

  • Codewave: How this Indian company implemented self-management
    One of the self-managed companies featured in our database is Codewave. They adopted self-management with the support of the Semco Style Institute and are paving the way for (Indian) companies to follow. In a recent webinar, they shared their story with the world. Watch it here.

Your weekly challenge

At Corporate Rebels, we believe that small changes lead to big results. That's why we challenge you each week to make a small but significant change. This week....

This week, call bullshit on a useless company policy. You know, that rule everyone hates but follows anyway. Identify it, gather evidence on why it sucks, and propose scrapping it to your team or boss. Be bold, be logical, and be ready to defend your stance. Let's kill some corporate nonsense.


As soon as you're ready, here are 3 ways we can help:

  1. Membership: Become a Corporate Rebels member and benefit from monthly online events, in-depth case studies, practical courses, and a global community of pioneers.
  2. Masterclass: We've sold out all available seats for the first September cohort of "Running and Scaling Self-Managing Organizations," so we're opening a second one focused on the Asian/Australian-friendly time zones; this extra cohort kicks off on September 24. Enroll here.
  3. Rebel Cells: Join a global network of pioneering organizations. Rebel Cells are local groups of progressive firms coming together to learn, share, and connect. Currently live in 13 countries.

Follow us on:

🤘🏻 Corporate Rebels

Join 33,300+ changemakers from all corners of the globe. We share insights on self-managing organizations, new ways of working, and global pioneering companies. Every other week: blog on Monday, newsletter on Thursday. Are you up for some fun, inspiring and rebellious content? Become part of the workplace revolution! 💌

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