🤟 Seeking the World’s Most Progressive Organizations


For years, I’ve been studying Haier’s innovative RenDanHeYi management model. We’ve blogged about it extensively, created Academy courses, and even published “Start-up Factory”, a book detailing their unique approach. We’ve also attended their annual forum multiple times.

RenDanHeYi Forum 2024

Each year, Haier hosts the exclusive global RenDanHeYi Forum, featuring distinguished speakers like Gary Hamel, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Edmund Phelps, Eric Maskin, Oliver Hart, Bengt Holmstrom, and Brian Arthur.

This September marks the 8th edition of the forum, taking place in Haier’s hometown, Qingdao, on September 20. This year, the focus shifts from Haier and its management model to celebrating the world’s most progressive organizations. We’re assisting them in finding the best candidates to invite to their award show.

What are we looking for?

We seek “self-managing organizations” characterized by:

  • A highly decentralized structure with minimal formal hierarchy.
  • Self-managing teams with autonomy and authority to make decisions, directly interacting with customers.
  • Teams accountable for their results, with all employees sharing in the organization’s success.

How can you help

Do you recognize your organization in these criteria? Or do you know of others that do? If so, we want you to join this annual event.

Why join?

  • Recognition: Share your story and be celebrated among other workplace pioneers.
  • Inspiration: Learn from other trailblazers and bring back fresh ideas. Explore one of Haier’s lighthouse factories and their RenDanHeYi practices firsthand.
  • Connection: Network with like-minded rebels from around the globe.

What to do now

The event will accommodate about 300 to 400 people. If you work for a progressive organization and want to be part of this global gathering of workplace mavericks, drop me a line by replying to this email to get involved.

Updates from Corporate Rebels HQ

Here's a quick overview of everything happening at Corporate Rebels:

  • Masterclass Update: We have sold out all available seats for the September cohort of our Masterclass, “Running and Scaling Self-Managing Organizations.” But don’t worry-we have decided to open a second September cohort, specially focused on the Asia/Australian time zones.
  • Rebel Cell Movement: The Rebel Cell movement is growing rapidly. We now have approximately 50 active member organizations and have launched a new Rebel Cell in Turkey.
  • Coordinator Search: We are looking for Rebel Cell coordinators in Denmark and Sweden. We have several member organizations in these countries but no coordinators yet. Interested in becoming one? Please drop me a line.

New article

A new article has been published on our blog earlier this week:

  • Why You Should Only Recruit Spontaneously Combustible People
    Kazuo Inamori’s "Amoeba Management" model thrived by recruiting "spontaneously combustible people"—self-starters who inspire and drive innovation without external motivation. Learn how this approach powered Kyocera and KDDI’s success and why fostering a love for work is essential for cultivating such dynamic team members. Read more here.

What inspired us

Here's something noteworthy we discovered this past week that you’re going to love:

  • All 700 AFAS software employees will move to four-day work week for same pay
    AFAS Software is making waves by moving 700 employees to a four-day work week while keeping their salaries intact. This bold step is part of a larger trend among progressive companies worldwide, challenging the traditional five-day grind. By maintaining the same workload but offering more flexibility, AFAS aims to boost productivity and improve work-life balance for its team.​ Find out more here.

Your weekly challenge

At Corporate Rebels, we believe that small changes lead to big results. That's why we challenge you each week to make a small but significant change. This week....

I would like to revisit the theme of recognition. This time, I’m focusing on recognizing your colleagues. As you read this, I challenge you to perform a random act of kindness for a colleague.
This could be as simple as leaving a positive note, buying someone a coffee, offering to help with a task or project, giving a sincere compliment, or sharing a helpful article or resource.
Remember, no act of kindness is too small. Whatever you decide to do, makes sure your acts of kindness are sincere. The goal is to genuinely uplift others and create a working atmosphere that is a little brighter for everyone.


150 spots available: Become a member before 30 June and get 20% discount.

Sign up right now to get 20% discount on your annual membership fee.

Join individually, with your team, or with your entire organization.

The benefits?
👉 A global community of 1,284 pioneers
👉 Monthly online community events
👉 32 recordings from past events
👉 13 courses on self-management and more

🤘🏻 Corporate Rebels

Join 33,300+ changemakers from all corners of the globe. We share insights on self-managing organizations, new ways of working, and global pioneering companies. Every other week: blog on Monday, newsletter on Thursday. Are you up for some fun, inspiring and rebellious content? Become part of the workplace revolution! 💌

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